U.S. Constitution

U.S. Constitution
The voice of the people

04 March 2017

The February 28 address to Congress

Where was Donald Trump and who was speaking in his place on February 28?
This was not the mercurial shoot-from-the-hip bad boy of the GOP we all came to know during the campaign, but a calm and composed man who spoke reasonably, delivering a message of hope and proclaiming yet once again that he will make America great—again.

The smoothness of his delivery was primarily due to the simple fact that he was working from a script, from which he only slightly deviated, throwing in a few ad libs. At times it was clear he was reading, but for the most part his presentation was polished.

In all fairness, it must be said that the address was well crafted and effective. It has been reported that Trump himself did most of the writing with help and advice from family members and staff. However, since it was also said that he wrote his inauguration speech—a claim since proven untrue—we would do best to take the claim of his authorship with a grain of salt.

Strategically, it was the perfect speech for Trump to give—hitting all the right buttons and playing to an audience less interested in policy and facts than in feel-good rhetoric. Which is why it sounded a lot like sound bites from the campaign dusted off, prettied up and made ready for prime time. He knows what his audience likes and keeps giving it to them and it doesn’t matter that we’ve heard most of it before—ad nauseam.

The Great Pretender continues to inflate, overstate, embellish and rely on partial truth and skewed contexts. There are several online sites where Trump’s factoids and misstatements are tested against the truth, and I urge you to look at them. Any Google search containing “Trump” and “fact check” will net you at least a handful.

Here are just a few examples drawn from the Feb. 28 speech and checked by the New York Times. I chose the site randomly.

Trump: “We've lost more than one-fourth of our manufacturing jobs since NAFTA was approved, . . .”

Fact: “The United States has lost a lot of factory jobs since 2000, but the biggest reason is technological progress, not foreign competition. America's manufacturing output is at the highest level in history — it just doesn't take as many workers to make stuff anymore. Some jobs have been lost to foreign competition, but studies assign a modest role to Nafta.” –Benyamin Appelbaum

Trump: “We have cleared the way for the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines -- thereby creating tens of thousands of jobs --. . .”

Fact: (He should have said “temporary jobs). “A 2014 State Department environmental review estimated that Keystone would support 42,000 temporary jobs over its two-year construction period — about 3,900 of them in construction, the rest in indirect support jobs, such as food service. It estimated that Keystone would create about 35 permanent jobs.” –Coral Davenport

Trump: “I have ordered the Department of Homeland Security to create an office to serve American Victims. The office is called VOICE --- Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement. We are providing a voice to those who have been ignored by our media, and silenced by special interests.”

Fact: “The individuals killed by undocumented immigrants mentioned by President Trump in his speech received widespread coverage in local newspapers and on television. For example, the death of Jamiel Shaw Jr., who was shot and killed in 2008 in Los Angeles, was widely covered by The Los Angeles Times and local television stations.” –Ron Nixon

That last one is an instance of shameless exploitation and a cruel trick played on family members of those killed who were in the audience.

It’s been said that we are now, largely due to the Great Pretender, in a post-factual world. But the truth is out there, and we owe it to ourselves to keep seeking it.

--Richard Brown



03 March 2017

Tempus fugit

In the course of seeking truth, Diogenes has misplaced a day, thinking Friday was Thursday.

My scheduled tasks today will preclude putting up a new message. The one concerning Trump's February 28 address to Congress will appear Saturday, March 4.

Meanwhile, if you have any questions about Trump and his administration, or about this blog, please leave a comment and I'll respond as I am able. Thanks.

--Richard Brown

02 March 2017

President, but not presidential

In my first post here I said I believed that the outcome of the 2016 presidential election was wrong.

I don't mean the election itself was hacked, rigged or otherwise corrupted. Regardless of how one feels about the Electoral College, the system worked as it was meant to, and the office went to the candidate with the greatest number of electoral votes.

Not, however, to the winner of the popular vote. That was Hillary Clinton, 65,844,610 to
62,979,636, according to the Cook Political Report, a plurality of 2,864,974.

Of course that doesn't alter the results. Donald Trump is president, and yes, he is the president of all Americans, although lacking a popular mandate. That does not, however, mean that everyone owes him allegiance or respect, and certainly not obedience unless martial law is declared.

His supporters cheer Trump as a political outsider, which is a gross understatement. He is in fact, the least experienced, least qualified and least prepared person ever to be president. Only two other presidents had no political experience: Ulysses S. Grant and Dwight Eisenhower, and both had been high-ranking military officers with extensive leadership experience.

Trump's experience has been exclusively in business, where he could make deals and accomplish goals by bullying, outshouting or buying rivals. He is unaccustomed to seeking advice or counsel; the notion of compromise seems beyond his understanding; and he is intolerant and xenophobic.

In the announcement of his candidacy he insulted all Mexicans; he has vilified adherents of Islam, the world's second-largest religion; the Parliament of our close ally Great Britain has come near to disallowing Trump the honor of meeting the queen, and the Speaker of the House of Commons has said he will not be invited to address Parliament.

And yet this is our president. Your thoughts?

--Richard Brown 

01 March 2017


Thank you for checking into my new blog. I hope there will be some interesting discussions and debates here, so I'll introduce myself so visitors can know what to expect.

My name is Richard Brown. I am retired from a career in higher education and also from a secondary career in journalism, as both a writer and a support person.

My primary reason for launching this blog is to bring to public attention, as much as I am able, the lies, doublespeak, obfuscation and misdirection that pass for policy in the Trump administration. I do not pretend to have a huge voice or a great audience. But great changes are made one mind at a time. If I can make some small changes I'll be content.

I am compelled to speak out to those who will hear, mindful of Edmund Burke's aphorism, "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

I am philosophically a populist and constitutionalist, and politically a Democrat. I'm proud to be characterized a liberal, as all who believe in the rights of individuals and progressive policies should be.

So what does that make me? A bleeding heart? Absolutely, if that means I am deeply compassionate toward my fellow humans. A tree hugger (does anyone actually say that anymore)? Yes, if that means being concerned for the environment and the future of planet Earth. A Commie? Oh, please--I have been a card-carrying member of the ACLU, though.

I'm not a politician. I'm a foot soldier for the causes of truth and honesty in government, and have worked off and on for a variety of campaigns beginning with that of Eugene McCarthy.

I hope people with differing opinions will come here to join in discussion. You are welcome.
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/e/edmundburk136431.html
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/e/edmundburk136431.html


I hate to be tiresome, but I do have just a very few rules:

Civility: All points of view are welcome here, but posts containing vulgar or obscene language will be deleted.

Content: I will not respond to posts seeking to discuss or comment on previous presidents or administrations. They are the past, and this blog is about the United States and its government since January 20, 2017.

And that's all. Thanks.

--Richard Brown


28 February 2017


This is the inaugural post of Vox Populi. It's rather a trite name--there are other blogs and sites with the same name. Still, I've chosen the name not because of the classical aphorism "Vox populi vox dei" ("The voice of the people is the voice of God"), but for the two words alone. 

I hope to offer a voice, even if it's one crying in the wilderness, for people who feel the outcome of the 2016 election, while it may have been legal and proper, was wrong. I have an image of the U. S. Constitution here because it is the true voice of the people of this country. No one should ever forget or overlook that point.

My choice of the blog name Diogenes--the legendary seeker of truth--is likewise not particularly original. But I'm not trying to be cute or original here. I believe deeply that the election of Donald Trump as president has brought this country to a dangerous juncture. The old advice to never trust a politician now extends to the highest level; and where and what the truth is and from whom it comes are open questions. Welcome, seekers of truth.

--Richard Brown