This is the inaugural post of Vox Populi. It's rather a trite name--there are other blogs and sites with the same name. Still, I've chosen the name not because of the classical aphorism "Vox populi vox dei" ("The voice of the people is the voice of God"), but for the two words alone.
I hope to offer a voice, even if it's one crying in the wilderness, for people who feel the outcome of the 2016 election, while it may have been legal and proper, was wrong. I have an image of the U. S. Constitution here because it is the true voice of the people of this country. No one should ever forget or overlook that point.
My choice of the blog name Diogenes--the legendary seeker of truth--is likewise not particularly original. But I'm not trying to be cute or original here. I believe deeply that the election of Donald Trump as president has brought this country to a dangerous juncture. The old advice to never trust a politician now extends to the highest level; and where and what the truth is and from whom it comes are open questions. Welcome, seekers of truth.
--Richard Brown
I am looking forward to this next step. We still have free speech and people are going to have to stand up and tell the politicians this is our right. If something isn't done, we may find ourselves back in the 1600's.......Nancy Rohr
Thanks, Nancy. That's exactly my concern, and should be the concern of all Americans.
I meant the 1800's basically because our country was so divided and we killed our own family members. Hate and never trying to see the other
side caused so many useless deaths. And all of these years later-we STILL have rampant racism!!!
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