U.S. Constitution

U.S. Constitution
The voice of the people

01 April 2017


It's April Fool's Day, and from the wonderful world of English comes a word about fooling: Trumpery, which Merriam-Webster defines as "worthless nonsense; a trivial or useless article," and the Oxford English Dictionary further expands as "Superficially or visually appealing but [having] little real value or worth."

It's a perfect word to describe the current administration, isn't it? All smiles, beauty, charm and not a hint of substance.

Then of course there's "trumped-up," which the OED defines as "Invented as an excuse or a false accusation," and unquestionably describes how the Great Pretender finds his way through tight spots.

Diogenes proposes renaming April 1 Trumpfoolery Day for as long as the Fool-in-chief is in office.

--Richard Brown

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