Enumerating the Crimes of Donald Trump

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. 18 U.S. Code, Section 2383

U.S. Constitution

U.S. Constitution
The bedrock of the United States of America

11 May 2017

Clowns and epiphanies

Shortly after returning from retreat Diogenes was catching up on the news he had missed when he let out an uncharacteristic bellow of laughter. When I asked what had so excited his mirth, he said something so outrageous I couldn't believe my ears, and actually had to ask him to repeat it. It was this: "Maybe it's not such a bad thing that this Trump clown was elected." After I had boggled at him for about a minute I finally found my voice and asked why he would say such a thing. His answer: "The Great Pretender has said in print that he doesn't understand why the Civil War happened. When he utters such absurdities in the public media he reveals what a fatuous imbecile he is, and how unworthy of the presidency he is. The more of his obvious stupidity he reveals, the closer the day of his fall, when Congress will shed their wilful blinders and begin impeachment proceedings."

He also spoke to me about something of an epiphany he had while on retreat. He had explained to Rinpoche Dorje that he was finding himself unable to concentrate on specific topics, was feeling easily distracted, and felt overwhelmed by the huge numbers of subjects he felt compelled to comment on.

The master assigned him to a week of silence that could be broken only during mealtimes with the other retreat guests. He was to avoid speaking about or hearing any contemporary news, and could have no access to any kind of news media.

At the end of his stay Master Dorje asked what he had learned. Dio responded that he had learned that silence is a wonderful thing.

As they parted, the master said, "The world is deaf; honor those who hear you." Diogenes asked if that wasn't "preaching to the choir," and the rinpoche said, "All choirs have leaders to keep them in synchrony. Without a leader harmony is lost. Be a leader and others will come to follow you."

"I saw a light at that point," said Diogenes. "It doesn't matter how many people pass by while you're talking. The truth is only for those with ears to hear. I will speak to them."

In the following days Diogenes wants to add some interactive features to the blog (as finances allow), and will seek to better reach the ears of his known audience.

--Richard Brown



Marilyn said...

I wish this nightmare would end but unfortunately it is reality. I cannot understand how this man holds this position and is allowed to continue. He has commited enough atrocities for me for his reign to end!! I wonder what will it take to make him disappear?

NEAR said...

I personally do not like clowns, and I abhor the clown of which you seek. The man is certainly mentally ill and needs help. Of course, I doubt that he will ever seek help on his own-he feels that he is a god. Someone(s) is going to have to stand up soon or none of us may be able to hear anything......