57 Days until Joe Biden's inauguration;
12,000,000+ Americans afflicted with COVID-19;
250,000+ Americans killed by COVID-19, with an assist by Donald J. Trump--approximately the population of Buffalo, NY, North Las Vegas, NV, or Winston-Salem, NC;
≈1,500 American deaths per day from COVID-19;
60% Of South Dakotans have tested positive for COVID-19 thanks to Republican Gov. Kristi Noem's no mask, no protection policies;
1.6% Of Vermonters have tested positive for COVID-19 thanks to Republican Gov. Phil Scott's rigorous common-sense based policies;
535 Members of Congress + 15 Cabinet members + 1 vice-president = 551 spineless politicians who can't or won't try to summon the will and/or courage to muzzle or sequester Lame Duck Trump;
158 Sovereign nations (out of 196) whose leaders have recognized Joe Biden as president-elect;
15 International treaties, agreements and arms control
measures abandoned by Trump--the majority have to do with human rights;
200+ Lawsuits filed by Trump administration attorneys and GOP apparatchiks with the aim of disrupting the election and suppressing votes;
0 Lawsuits with potential effect ruled on--most dismissed or dropped;
50,293 Trump Tweets during presidential term;
≈ 25,000 Trump lies since 2016;
1 Trump presidential term;
0 Future Trump presidential terms.
Your additions welcome.
--- Diogenes, 11/24/20
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