In case the title didn't alert you, I am angry.
I am in fact so utterly flaming furious at the state of the world and the people who brought it about that I am reviving this blog to express that anger before I explode.
In 1866 the French author and activist Émile Zola published Mes Haines, which translates to "My Hatreds," but was actually a collection of his literary criticism. This post begins a series of my hatreds, and I do indeed hate the subjects, which are presented in random order beginning with - - -
Despicable people:
DJTrump is permanently the head of this list. Others may come and go. First up are the two faithless politicians who have shamefully prevented passage of the For The People Act and other important legislation.
Joseph Manchin III, (DINO-WV). Refuses to support the For The People Act on grounds that it is not bipartisan. I don't know what part of Cloud Cuckoo Land Manchin lives in. It's apparently a region where Republicans actually care about their constituency and Americans' right to fair elections. In this real world the Republican Party will do anything it can to deny the American people their constitutional rights, and to block passage of President Biden's programs. That is why the For The People Act lacks bipartisan support. Manchin needs to get his head right and understand that there are bigger issues at stake than his Pollyanna notion of a collegial congress where both sides play fair.
Krysten Lee Sinema (D-AZ). Ditto of Manchin. As she has advanced in politics Sinema has become progressively more conservative. She considers Joe Manchin a role model, which says something about her grasp of reality. She consistently votes against measures that could help Americans financially or socially. As of April 2020 more than half her votes in the Senate followed the Trump position. Both she and Manchin have been praised by Archdemon Mitch McConnell for their conservative stands. On issues that touch her personally she leans to the left. Otherwise she is firmly in the conservative lineup. She calls herself bipartisan and moderate but is clearly a DINO in the making. At her swearing-in Sinema had her hand on the Constitution rather than the Bible; one has to ask just how cynical that was.
Kevin Owen McCarthy (R-CA). House Minority Leader. A dedicated follower of DJT who has bought into the Big Lie hook, line, and sinker and continues to spread it. McCarthy will automatically speak and vote against anything even vaguely democratic. Like many in his party he employs doublethink and doublespeak, in one voice promoting the Constitution while actively working to overthrow it. He is an enemy of the American people.
Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). The resident wingnut of the House. There is nothing she won't say, however illogical, stupid, crass, harmful, loony, hurtful, absurd or ridiculous. She embraces QAnon, which immediately tells us most of what she says is fantasy or an outright lie, usually the latter. She apparently has no sense, and she certainly lacks filters. One wonders if her base is as unhinged as she is. She has been stripped of her committee assignments, roundly denounced by members of both parties, and banned from some social media sites. Yet she has not been formally censured, let alone expelled from the House, because despite her egregious nastiness her fellow members can't muster the political will to take action. She is an enemy and a verbal terrorist.
Stay tuned for Part 2.
La lutte continue.
--- Diogenes, 9/10/21
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