We are back, indeed.
It has taken a great deal of thought, conversation and debate within Vox Veritatis. Opinions regarding the fate of this blog--originally Vox Populi, if you remember that far back--have ranged from taking up arms against the sea of troubles Donny John has brought us to packing up and moving to Malta. Pragmatists that we are, it was decided that we could do the best good by holding to our base while slightly changing our approach.
Since we launched this blog in early 2017 the number of blogs, vlogs, and podcasts covering the American political scene has increased exponentially. We have always been, and will probably remain, a small operation with a focused purpose: ridding the country of Donald Trump.
We operate largely on hope and faith. We are not naive, nor do we consider what we do a fool's errand. Every word that speaks truth to power, no matter the voice that utters it, helps to break the hold that Donny John and his minions have over far too many Americans. We know our audience is small. We haven't the wherewithal to advertise, but if each of you reading our work could share it as widely as possible we will be most appreciative.
Among our conversations was some consideration about continuing to use the nom de plume Diogenes. Even a cursory online search on the name will reveal dozens, if not hundreds, of site using the name. All of them are not blogs, but a great many are. We knew, when our domain search made us the eighth of the name, that we were far from original. But we like Diogenes; we like his ethos and his habitat. He is a personage to whom all of us here can relate. And we felt that since we've been pretty irregular with our posts recently that continuity would be a good thing.
Our plan at this juncture is to publish a weekly post. This one has been done on Tuesday, which we may stay with. We do not expect our content strategy to change, but we may sharpen our edges and bring more forces into the attack.
Tolkien fans will note that the title of this post is the last sentence in The Lord of the Rings, spoken by Sam Gamgee. We chose it because we think Sam's laconic closing statement holds the elements of new beginnings. In any event we are back, and we'll see where we go.
--- Diogenes, 2/3/2025
P. S. For anyone who might have been wondering, the final average Clown Score of Trump's original Cabinet picks was 71.3. Remember
that this isn't like an academic scoring system, but is rather like
golf, in which lower scores are better. So taken as a whole, this
group's CQ score can be taken as about 75% of the worst they could be.
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