In the first part of this short series I called Elon Musk the more dangerous of the Musk/Trump duo.
Both are ruthless, rapacious, dishonest, narcissistic, duplicitous, greedy, and anti-LGBTQ. In addition to those qualities Musk has some that Trump lacks: intelligence, inventiveness, talent, creativity, and vision. Indeed, in a Trump-free universe I might find Musk admirable. But we are here and not there and I do not.
Musk went over to the dark side in the early 2020s and first voted Republican in the 2022 elections. Prior to that he had declared himself an independent and had supported both parties, although his choice of individuals to support was apparently dependent on their likelihood of supporting one or more of his businesses.
What changed? His daughter. In 2022, Vivian Jenna Wilson (née Xavier Musk), Musk's then-18-year-old daughter, who self identified as female from a very early age, publicly came out as transgender. According to MSNBC, "Wilson said she came out twice in life: once as gay in eighth grade and a second time as transgender when she was 16."¹ That second outing was to a family member.
Musk now lists Wilson's transition as having minimal impact on his rightward shift, but his earlier statements belie that position. In July 2024 he told Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson that gender affirming treatments, including puberty blockers, are a form of "child mutilation and sterilization," and that permitting children to change their gender identity is “incredibly evil,”² although he personally approved those same treatments for Wilson, later professing he was tricked into it.
Toward the end of the Peterson interview Musk says, "So my son Xavier is dead, killed by the woke mind virus."³
"Woke mind virus" is a term used by right-wing types. By conjoining the notion of wokeness with that of a pathogen, they create an idea in the minds of their more credulous followers that said wokeness might be contagious. By that reasoning, Musk implies that Xavier was somehow infected with a liberal mind pathogen that caused his gender dysphoria, rather than being born with it.
It is an absurd, even silly proposition, but it allows Musk to distance himself from his offspring and from any hint that he may have genetically passed along to them something antithetical to the Trump doctrine.
Trump's antipathy toward LGBTQ Americans was well known from his first term. In his second inaugural address he announced his intention to continue his persecution of everyone who is not white and straight: "I will . . . end the government policy of trying to socially engineer race and gender into every aspect of public and private life."⁴
Both men exhibit a deep and potent hatred of the LGBTQ community. That hatred is so powerful that it compels me to go way out on a limb and propose it as a key to this odd bromance. As I noted at the beginning of this essay, there are more differences than likenesses between the two, and the only apparent social link they have is moving in ultra-wealthy society.
From my own observation over many years I have concluded that men who voice a strong dislike of queer people have a fear of being one of them; the stronger the hate the more intense the fear. This is a recognized psychiatric condition called Homosexual Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (HOCD), in which individuals obsess over whether they might be gay. There is also Sexual Orientation OCD (SO-OCD), in which affected individuals display obsessive behavior about their sexual orientation, often questioning if they are in the right body.
Individuals with a deep fear of one or perhaps both conditions can become exceptionally angry, even getting into a rage if someone suggests they might be anything but straight. I suspect that the hate and anger both men exhibit toward the LGBTQ community are symptoms of such fear. Both men have quick and violent tempers at the best of times, and would no doubt respond with an extreme show of force if their sexual identity were questioned.
Trump's obsession with penis size--not only his own--is a clear indicator, as his misogyny may be.
OS-OCD may also explain Musk's rapid and unexplained turn toward Trump, whom he had previously badmouthed. He made the shift in 2022, shortly after Vivian Jenna Wilson's public announcement of her gender transition. Musk's denunciation of that transition, of medical personnel who help people through the change, and of the government's alleged support of those who elect to get into their true gender was so violent, and his responses since so irrational, they could well indicate a basis in fear. Does he perhaps wonder if he's in the right body?
Fear is arguably the most powerful human emotion. It triggers a host of physiological effects including the fight or flight response. There is also a neurological response that effectively focuses mental activity on the source of the fear, causing the mind to respond irrationally, sometimes resulting in violent denunciation of the cause of the fear--in this case, Wilson's transition.⁵
---Diogenes, 25 February 2025
The foregoing is conjecture on my part, and may contain factual errors. I am not a medical professional, just an observer of humanity. Nothing in this essay should be construed as any kind of medical diagnosis. This essay is intended to address political phenomena and the behaviors behind them. I invite anyone who is qualified to inform me of any egregious errors of fact.
¹ David Ingram, "Elon Musk's transgender daughter, in first interview, says he berated her for being queer as a child.", July 25, 2024. Accessed Feb. 24, 2025.
² Telford, Taylor, Faiz Suddiqi, Casey Parks, "Elon Musk said his trans child was ‘dead.’ She’s calling him out., July 26, 2024. Accessed Feb. 24, 2025.
³ "Elon Musk Latest Interview By Jordan Peterson," AI transcript, July 7, 2024. Accessed Feb. 24, 2025.
⁴ Flowers, Bianca, Daniel Trotta, "Trump curtails protections around diversity, LGBTQ rights," Reuters, Jan. 20, 2025. Accessed Feb. 25, 2025.⁵ For a different analysis of Musk's turn see Eoin Higgins, "The Making of an Anti-Woke Zealot: How Elon Musk Was Infected with the MAGA Mind-Virus," Literary Hub, Feb. 5, 2025. Accessed Feb. 25, 2025.