Enumerating the Crimes of Donald Trump

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. 18 U.S. Code, Section 2383

U.S. Constitution

U.S. Constitution
The bedrock of the United States of America

02 March 2017

President, but not presidential

In my first post here I said I believed that the outcome of the 2016 presidential election was wrong.

I don't mean the election itself was hacked, rigged or otherwise corrupted. Regardless of how one feels about the Electoral College, the system worked as it was meant to, and the office went to the candidate with the greatest number of electoral votes.

Not, however, to the winner of the popular vote. That was Hillary Clinton, 65,844,610 to
62,979,636, according to the Cook Political Report, a plurality of 2,864,974.

Of course that doesn't alter the results. Donald Trump is president, and yes, he is the president of all Americans, although lacking a popular mandate. That does not, however, mean that everyone owes him allegiance or respect, and certainly not obedience unless martial law is declared.

His supporters cheer Trump as a political outsider, which is a gross understatement. He is in fact, the least experienced, least qualified and least prepared person ever to be president. Only two other presidents had no political experience: Ulysses S. Grant and Dwight Eisenhower, and both had been high-ranking military officers with extensive leadership experience.

Trump's experience has been exclusively in business, where he could make deals and accomplish goals by bullying, outshouting or buying rivals. He is unaccustomed to seeking advice or counsel; the notion of compromise seems beyond his understanding; and he is intolerant and xenophobic.

In the announcement of his candidacy he insulted all Mexicans; he has vilified adherents of Islam, the world's second-largest religion; the Parliament of our close ally Great Britain has come near to disallowing Trump the honor of meeting the queen, and the Speaker of the House of Commons has said he will not be invited to address Parliament.

And yet this is our president. Your thoughts?

--Richard Brown 


Marilyn said...

I am so glad you can put my thoughts into great posts. It's not a political stand for me with him being President. I really can't tolerate the man and never have! He is such a bully and such a phony when it's to his benefit. And about his speech to Congress? He didn't write it and stayed to the script! We know quite well what he's like when he's talking on his own. I fear for what is to come with his Administration!

NEAR said...

I totally agree with Marilyn. I didn't watch No. 45's TV show because it was a total waste of time. He had his sons and daughter with him, and the one time I happened to see a report of when he said
'YOU ARE FIRED!'; he looked absolutely maniacal. He craves absolute power and HAS to be right all of the time. This is not normal-I believe that he truly is not normal. Can you imagine what our previous presidents and first ladies would think if they saw the mockery being made of our White House? It truly makes me ill when I hear all of the lies being spewed right and left and No. 45's followers swallow every one. God is OUR only answer and prayers are needed to open everyone's eyes!!