Enumerating the Crimes of Donald Trump

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. 18 U.S. Code, Section 2383

U.S. Constitution

U.S. Constitution
The bedrock of the United States of America

02 October 2017


A classic description of insanity is the continual repetition of an action in the expectation of a different outcome.

Thus the various governments of the United States, federal state and local, exhibit insanity by continuing untrammeled access to firearms and ever-widening degrees of carry permits, in the apparent and irrational belief that such actions will somehow put an end to gun violence and mass shootings, such as that just seen in Las Vegas, with at least 50 people dead.

The same excuses for the shooter will be heard: "He's old; he didn't know what he was doing." But we've heard it all, haven't we? Just change the descriptor: young, Marxist, mentally ill, extremist Muslim, extremist Christian, disgruntled employee, PTSD victim, jilted lover, neo-Nazi, etc. Ultimately no one knows what they're doing, it seems--especially when they're holding a gun.

Or the victims are blamed: "They're just African Americans," or white, or Baptist, or Sikhs, or criminals, or mentally ill, or women, or police officers, or office workers--fill in the blank.

So is the entire nation insane? Some would say so, but I do not. There are those who foment this violence and know exactly what they are doing.

Therefore, I accuse:

  • The president and vice president of the United States and the entire Congress of being complicit in mass murder and worthy of mass impeachment for gross malfeasance in office for their refusal to enact gun control legislation, thereby endangering the citizenry at large;
  • The governors, lieutenant governors and legislatures of those states that allow easy access to firearms and carry permits, of the same crimes stated above;
  • The board of directors and officers of the National Rifle Association of complicity in manslaughter and attempted murder of hundreds of American citizens for no reason other than to continue lining their pockets with membership fees and kickbacks from the firearms industry;
  • The nationwide membership of the National Rifle Association of being accomplices in the crimes listed above and knowingly supporting an organization that has no moral compass when it comes to public safety;
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation of endangering public safety by failing to name the directors and officers of the National Rifle Association as public enemies for their continued endangerment of the American people;
  • The firearms manufacturers based in the United States of public endangerment by their unwillingness to support rational gun legislation; and
  • Every American citizen who has a conscience and a voice but has not raised either against gun violence of failure to act responsibly for the good of the country.
I do not care whom I offend. In fact, if you are offended by reading this, then shame, shame, deepest shame be upon you.

--Diogenes, 10/2/17

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