U.S. Constitution

U.S. Constitution
The voice of the people

02 June 2020

If I Were A Conspiracy Theorist . . .

. . . I would answer "yes" or "probably" to these questions:

Is Trump insane?

Does Trump have burner phones and secret email and Twitter accounts that he uses to communicate with allies?

Do those allies include the KKK, the NRA, and other right-wing terrorists and militias?

Is Trump directing his allies to foment violence and unrest?

Were the "outside agitators" that have been mentioned sent by Trump?

Does Trump use the Dark Web to communicate with his allies?

Were lawful protests over George Floyd's death hijacked by Trump and/or his allies for political gain?

Would Trump commit violence against the American people if it helped his re-election chances?

Has Trump been brainwashed by ex-KGB officer Vladimir Putin?

Was this entire catastrophe engineered by Trump so he could play the hero?

And "possibly" to this one:

Is Trump the Antichrist?

If I were a conspiracy theorist. If I were paranoid.

--- Richard Brown, 6/2/2020

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