QED is the abbreviation for the Latin term Quod Erat Demonstrandum, which roughly translates as "Thus it is shown." The term has historically been used by mathematicians, logicians, and philosophers to indicate that an argument has been proved.
It's a pretentious way of saying "So there!"
I am neither a mathematician nor a philosopher. I refer to my post of yesterday, May 27, in which I discussed the lengths to which Senate Republicans will go to block passage of any civil rights or democracy-enhancing legislation, specifically the For The People Act.
Today they proved my argument by defeating the bill that would have established a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6 insurrection.
The commission would have investigated the root causes of the insurrection. Of course it would have looked into Republican involvement including that of DJ Trump.
"If they're innocent they have nothing to worry about." How often have you heard that line on television cop shows? Defeating the bill that would have created the investigative commission is clear evidence that Republicans have something to worry about. We all know Trump was the spark that lit the fire and that some Republican congresspeople were complicit.
What next? Speaker Nancy Pelosi should form a select House committee to look into the insurrection. Such committees have historically been successful in finding the truth behind clandestine activities.
President Biden could create a commission with an executive order. That would be a last-ditch act that would bring accusations of partisanship, but so what? Republicans are nothing if not rabidly partisan. Let them repeat their pot-calling-the-kettle-black arguments. They are, as the Bard said, "a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing."
Today's vote underlines the importance of continuing to push senators to pass the For The People Act. Call or email them, regardless of party, to let them know they need to pass the act if our society is to remain the land of the free.
Act now. Time is short.
--- Diogenes, 28 May 2021
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