Enumerating the Crimes of Donald Trump

Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. 18 U.S. Code, Section 2383

U.S. Constitution

U.S. Constitution
The bedrock of the United States of America

26 July 2020

I Shouldn't Say "I Told You So,"

But I did.

I'm not a prophet, but I watch and listen and pay attention, and if anyone had bet against me a couple of months ago when I said COVID-19 wasn't done with us, they would have lost.

Naturally that would have included the Fool-in-Chief, but he's wrong about everything anyway, so no surprise there.

If the Dolt-in-Chief had even a smidgen of historical knowledge, he would know that plagues have historically lasted for years, and some for centuries. It's been suggested that the last gasp of the Black Death of the 1340s came only in 1955. Pandemics rip through us in waves, sometimes just a ripple, sometimes a tsunami. The first wave had barely passed when Trump and the Booboisie started screaming for everything to open up.

So we opened up. Masks came off, social distancing was forgotten, bars and beaches and other places of frivolity enjoyed some very welcome profitable days, and Americans were finally able to get out and have a good time. July 4 was a blast.

To date, more than 15,000 Americans have paid for that party with their lives.

Following the initial assault by COVID-19, which picked off the low-hanging fruit, the curve of U. S. deaths fell into a slump, which a great many ignoramuses thought was the end. Nope. just warming up for round two.

There were only 273 COVID deaths on July 4 in America, and the dwindling number allowed medical professionals to feel very cautiously optimistic. One week later, on July 11, 729 people died; on July 18, 879; and yesterday, 981. In four weeks the daily death toll quadrupled, and it's still going up.

There is only one possible reason for this increase: lessening preventive measures, including isolation, and the insane rush to dive into traditional holiday activities.

The delusional Megalomaniac-in-Chief is willing to sacrifice anything and anyone to get to the status quo ante; or in words he might understand, "the way it's s'posed to be." Or in Trumpspeak, "The way I want it to be."

He cannot and will not accept that it's not going to happen. Ever. That sense of complete and utter change in the world is something he's not wired to understand.

He does know something is going on. In a recent argumentative interview with Chris Wallace, the Great Pretender disputed Wallace's enumeration of cases, then asked, "how many deaths?" Apparently dead Americans mean more to him than sick ones.

Here's your number, you unworthy lout: since July 4, some 15,000 American families have lost a child, a parent, a spouse, a grandparent, or some other kin because you are too blind and too stupid to even try to improve the situation.

Every one of those deaths lies at your feet, and every bereft family blames you.

--- Diogenes, 7/25/2020

1 comment:

NEAR said...